I have been a nurse for 26 yrs. Why did I become a nurse ? I decided to became a nurse since I was 6 yrs old .I saw a series on the the TV called Julia.I was awed by her. She portrayed a woman who had class . Dianne Carroll is best known for her title role in the 1968 show Julia in 1968.She was a nurse I truly admired her role and character.She was a great nurse. I respect how she portrayed a real nurse.
I can honestly say that she was a pioneer for how nurses should be seen . The problem with her wholesome ways was that it was short lived. We now have nurses portrayed as for a lack of a better word "ladies of the evening " to be politically correct but not morally correct.What an atrocity to the nursing profession.
How dare they show nurses as nothing more then common hookers ? We are a respected profession that saves lives. We are there when patients are critically ill when they are dying and when they are struggling to survive. We are there when patients are born and when they die. I will continue to fight for the respect and dignity I deserve as a nurse who has been there for my patients to help on what ever journey destiny had determined for them.
As a seasoned nurse I have seen how the nursing profession has changed. From the time nurses would stand when a doctor came to the floor or unit until the time that nurses were recognized for the important contribution they gave to the medical team. Nurse are crucial in the well being of the patient. Their jobs should not be taken so lightly.