A leader is someone who will stand up and make a difference. A leader is someone who believes in themselves. A leader never quits no matter how hard it gets. A leader is you.You can make a difference.
Yes, you can be a leader. It doesn't matter who you are, your gender,nationality or creed.You have a gift . A gift to share with others. What you need to do is take action and change you life. You can do it ! There were people in history who became leaders ...why not you. Be a part of history... Why not... the only person stopping you is you.A leader is a person who doesn't take naysayers seriously. There has been many men and women who decided a change was needed and it started with them.
A person needs to be true to themselves. Follow your dream .It belongs to you.You have a vision inside of you.. RELEASE IT!! EMBRACE IT and LIVE IT!!
I will assist you on your journey to be a true leader ...all you have to do is ask.There are so many models of leadership past and present. Take a look at history who was your favorite leader ? There were both men and woman who were leaders. Did they let anyone stop them ..NO. So what is stopping you ?
I never thought I could be a successful businesswoman or radio show host on blog talk radio until I started to believe in..ME. I knew I would make a difference and I have. Trust me nothing or no one will take my vision away from me.I will not allow it. Don't let anyone take your dreams away from you. You never know who's life you are going to touch. Go out there and start your journey to your destiny. The first step begins with you.