My name is Diana Kerekes. I have been a "burnt out " nurse for over 26 yrs. I have wanted to start a home based business and work from home w for many years.I couldn't find the one I wanted to do to replace my nursing career.I knew I needed to do something but what... What would I be good at . All I knew was nursing. I took a long look at where my life was going. I decided after seeing my patients and how their lives turned out I knew the time was NOW. I said to myself that "life is too short" and I had to do this now. Timing is everything.
So what did I do to get to where I want to go. I examined my surrounds and did a full examination of what my options were. Either I sat by and let things happen to me or I take a stand. I chose to do just that ..take a stand to improve my quality of life by helping others.I needed to take action. I knew that if I didn't change something now and lay down the foundation it would be too late.
With the help of my mentors and family I soon became the person I wanted to be. I wanted to be a leader, a woman who can have a tough business side with the soft side of helping others. I choose to make a difference. I choose to take my passions and dreams and started a fire that no one could smolder. I decided this was my chance in life to grab a hold of the riches life had to offer while making sure I did not forget my roots and were I came from and where I want to be.